In addition to Health Insurance, Blascak Insurance Services also specializes in Dental, Vision, Life and Disability Insurance for employers and their employees. The ancillary market is what we refer to as a “soft” market – there are a lot of carriers available and we can normally find a company savings when we shop the market. Most companies look at these ancillary benefits as just that….ancillary. They take a back seat to health insurance and not much attention is paid to how they work. We take a different approach with these benefits and break down the plans and contracts so employees will learn the best ways to maximize their benefits. With this in mind, we put special attention on Disability Insurance – this may be the most important benefit you can purchase as it insures your most valuable asset: THE ABILITY TO EARN A PAYCHECK. We provide you with an in-depth contract comparison when presenting disability carriers and their rates. Overall, even though ancillary benefits can take a back seat to health insurance, we can still show you premium savings and great benefits your employees will be happy with!